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Mouthing Off is a high energy, informative, no holds bared radio talk show about Love, Relationships and Life. The show centers around controversial topics aimed to bring awareness, lend advice and spiritually uplift our listeners. The two hosts (Dy Loverly & Elena Norde') equally bring a high level of energy, intellect and personality to the diverse topics discussed. Dy Loverly is a fun loving, outspoken, tell it like it is mother of three who brings her personal experience as well as humor and authenticity to the show. Elena Norde' has a very inviting, bubbly and vibrant persona and she is able to see both points of view when it comes to tackling controversial and traditional relationship topics.
Our mission is to Inform, Entertain and bring awareness to controversial issues, traditional relationships and current events. “Let us be your Mouthpiece!”
Mouthing Off: Speaking freely and openly about a topic or issue a person is passionate about.
Catch our segments on our Youtube channel “Mouthing Off Radio” and reverbnation and Soundcloud @ Mouthing Off Radio
We also have a strong social media platform. We are active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reverbnation and more.